“Tina has helped me reshape my thoughts and in turn my entire life. […] My relationship with myself has turned a 180.”

Tina has helped me reshape my thoughts and in turn my entire life. I knew I could benefit from Coaching, but had no idea what a monumental impact it would have on me. Tina has helped me discover my own confidence, and strength. She has helped me open my eyes to all the beautiful things I already have, instead of focussing on a “need” to change aspects of my life so I could finally be happy. I have spent a lot of years hiding. Hiding my body, hiding when I eat, hiding when I feel any emotional extremes. Tina has has taught me to be present in my body, life, and experiences. My relationship with myself has turned a 180 and my relationship with my friends has never been better. I wholeheartedly believe anyone could benefit from Tina’s coaching.



I am an Associate Creative Director with 10+ years of industry experience in Boston, Los Angeles and Seattle. In that time, I have led the digital vision on numerous high-profile projects. Enter my site and you'll see some of those projects yourself!


“Tina’s an amazing coach! Her coaching highlighted my thoughts & beliefs about myself & my body, helped me to question them […] & kick started my journey to a very different place.”